Sunday, December 4, 2011

262- Closet Full of Clothes

With the party coming up next Saturday, and then a trip to Vegas shortly after, I began to panic about outfits.  I used both events as an excuse to justify buying a dress online on Cyber Monday.  According to UPS tracking, the dress shows up tomorrow.  I'm leaving on a trip for work Tuesday right after work, and won't return until late Thursday night.  That means, if the dress doesn't work out, I only have Friday afternoon to shop for one.  Finding an outfit to wear the day before an event has never been successful for me. 
I needed a back-up plan in case the dress coming in the mail doesn't fit/look right/sucks (I love plans!).  I went to my closet and began pulling out things that would be suitable for a formal cocktail party and a fancy dinner in Vegas.  I tried pairing shits with skirts in combinations I hadn't tried before.  I tried on clothes that haven't fit me in years.  In the WAY back of my closet I found my prom dress from junior year in HIGH SCHOOL!  Guess what?  Everything fit including my prom dress from high school (I was not my thinnest ever in high school, but smaller then I am now).  Some things were too big and I missed my window to wear them because they were previously too small, and now they hang off me.  I found a suitable back-up for the party, but not for fancy dinner in Vegas.  I found a few items to wear during the other nights in Vegas, some new things to add into the work week rotation, and I found a whole bunch of clothes that are going to Goodwill.  I have time to shop still for something to wear to dinner in Vegas, but still, it would just be easier on everyone if that dress coming tomorrow works out! 
Under these circumstances, I'm pretty happy that I held onto a lot of clothes over the years that didn't fit.  However, I'm going to try and stop owning a closet 1/2 full of clothes that don't fit (either way, too big or too small).  It is way easier for me to get rid of the things that are too big, so I've slowly started donating those.  I'm on the verge of donating my largest jeans, but in the back of my head I keep thinking I should hang onto them "just in case."  I haven't worn them in well over a month, but still its so hard as someone who has had a history of weight gains and losses to change old habits!  Perhaps getting rid of all my large clothes would fall under the category of "doing something I have never done before" in order to "get something I have never had before."  I don't know.  Its just that yesterday I noticed there are so many things in my closet that fit, yet I continue to wear the same clothes over and over.  Perhaps shrinking my closet will force me to choose the neglected items? 

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