Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where I've Been, Where I'm Going

Last Tuesday, I joined several members of my gym at a nutrition seminar at another CrossFit location. The speaker was Todd Widman, and I'm sure if you google him lots of good stuff will come up. He had great energy, and as much as I'd like to think I know why I'm choosing to live a Paleo lifestyle, its really nice to get more information on the subject, and new perspective from time to time.

Probably the thing that stuck with me the most from his 2.5 hour talk was his theory of 23:1. There are 24 hours in a day. Since my main activity is CrossFit, I'm exercising about 1 hour per day. That means I have 23 OTHER hours to mess that all up. Food (aka fuel) is the most important part of being the me I want to be. I'm sure this isn't news to everyone, but it really struck a cord with me when put in the context of 23:1. Like I've heard so much recently: "you can't out train a bad diet."

The talk had excellent timing, as our gym will be doing a nutrition challenge starting on Monday. I'm very excited. I need a good kick in the butt. So on Monday, we all measure our body fat vs. lean muscle ratio. Whoever changes the most in one month as far as less body fat/more lean muscle gained wins (one boy, one girl). The recommended way to eat during this month is either Zone or Paleo. I'm going all out, like I did my first 30 days with super clean eating and as little sugar as possible. I know it can be done!

I'm on day 7 of my burpee challenge, and my friend Lea has joined me. I think she's on day 6. I actually feel like I'm getting better at them! We'll see how the days go when I'm past 40.

Next weekend I'm running a 5K here in Seattle with one of the girls from the gym. My goal is for a sub 30 minute 5K. I'm hoping with the energy of the race, I can do that, especially since I was so close a few weeks ago!

On March 20, I will be participating in the Big Climb, where I will run up all flights of the Columbia Tower (the tallest building in Seattle).

So yeah...lots going on here. Now that things are settling down a bit, I'll be updating more. Beast mode.


  1. I'm going to do the nutrition challenge,too, and will have to look up Dave's great paleo recipes! Mollie and I made a ton a beef jerky this weekend, I will give you some to snack on today:).

  2. After reading your blog I've decided to do the 100 day burpee challenge too!Today was day 1.

    I've been a CrossFitter for 2 months now, and I've been eating Whole30 which is strict Paleo for 30 days but I'm doing it for 90 along with some of my fellow Whole30er's. I'm at day 37! I've also started my own blog because I find it to be very cathartic. So long story short I think your blog and everything that you're doing is great!! I look forward to reading future posts :)

